The chart looks wrong.
1. All of US, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Belgium and Chile have identical deaths/million and economic stringency.#
2. is your "low flow borders" coloured correctly? Should high-level of tourists not be red (bad)?
3. is your "urbanization" coloured correctly? Should high-level of urbanisation not be red (bad)?
Nice read.
The chart looks wrong.
1. All of US, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Belgium and Chile have identical deaths/million and economic stringency.#
2. is your "low flow borders" coloured correctly? Should high-level of tourists not be red (bad)?
3. is your "urbanization" coloured correctly? Should high-level of urbanisation not be red (bad)?
Corrected in the web version, thanks!
Yes, he needed top do some proofreading, didn't he?
So did I. "To do", not "Top do!".