I'm not sure why you didn't mention that Lebanon's current poverty and de-facto failed state reality. is directly related to Iran's political takeover of the country through its Hezbollah proxy. There isn't a country in the entire region where Iran hasn't meddled via a Shia Islamist proxy that hasn't turned either into a civil war or a failed state.
I'm not sure why you didn't mention that Lebanon's current poverty and de-facto failed state reality. is directly related to Iran's political takeover of the country through its Hezbollah proxy. There isn't a country in the entire region where Iran hasn't meddled via a Shia Islamist proxy that hasn't turned either into a civil war or a failed state.
That would explain how Israel has such fantastic human intelligence resources in Lebanon and the Islamic Republic of Iran, and why Arabs and Iranians celebrated in Lebanon, Syria and Iran when Nasrallah was eliminated.
I'm not sure why you didn't mention that Lebanon's current poverty and de-facto failed state reality. is directly related to Iran's political takeover of the country through its Hezbollah proxy. There isn't a country in the entire region where Iran hasn't meddled via a Shia Islamist proxy that hasn't turned either into a civil war or a failed state.
I did!
I said the geography creates superpower meddling and they use existing internal factionalism. Iran and Hizbullah are just one instance
I'm not sure why you didn't mention that Israel has caused more death and destruction in Lebanon in the last 20 years than Iran or Hezbollah?
That's an interesting statement. How did you reach that conclusion? I'd be curious about that data.
What kind of data are you looking for? It's easy to search for 'number of civilian deaths in Israel Lebanon conflicts' on Wikipedia or Google.
That would explain how Israel has such fantastic human intelligence resources in Lebanon and the Islamic Republic of Iran, and why Arabs and Iranians celebrated in Lebanon, Syria and Iran when Nasrallah was eliminated.