Yes indeed. Haiti stands as the only really successful slave revolt in this part of the world, and as such embodied what the Southern slave states feared the most, in their darkest nightmares - all the white plantation owners were massacred. The good people of the US feared such a rebellion could spread. Haiti was therefore crushed socially and economically - especially by the US.
Yes indeed. Haiti stands as the only really successful slave revolt in this part of the world, and as such embodied what the Southern slave states feared the most, in their darkest nightmares - all the white plantation owners were massacred. The good people of the US feared such a rebellion could spread. Haiti was therefore crushed socially and economically - especially by the US.
Yes indeed. Haiti stands as the only really successful slave revolt in this part of the world, and as such embodied what the Southern slave states feared the most, in their darkest nightmares - all the white plantation owners were massacred. The good people of the US feared such a rebellion could spread. Haiti was therefore crushed socially and economically - especially by the US.